Wednesday, May 28, 2008

And the Cool and Collected Award Goes To...

Not me, that's for sure.

Apparently, I have only one nerve left, and every single thing seems to be getting on it today.

We can start with the sunburn, because constant pain isn't good for anyone's mood.

My hair looked fabulous this morning -- but I absolutely cannot stand for it to touch my shoulders right now, because even that is painful, and naturally, hair that's looking fabulous down looks lopsided and weird pulled back in a ponytail.

Alex was hungry and hungry and hungry this morning, which means I'm not going to get any milk from the morning pumping -- and I'm missing the afternoon pumping to take Penny to a doctor appointment, so he's going to be Formula Boy tomorrow. (Why this bothers me so much when he's less than a month from being weaned, I'm not sure.)

And after being hungry and hungry and hungry, he managed a spitup that drooled over his shoulder and pooled on my pants, so it looks like I've wet myself. Did I mention that I only have two pairs of pants that I can wear right now, because of the knee brace?

Shortly after that, Penny threw a baby blanket at my face. She was only playing, but it pulled hair out of my lopsided and precarious pony tail and smacked the sunburn on my neck and I lost my cool and screamed at her. No, I don't mean "raised my voice." I mean "screamed."

When I dropped the kids off at school this morning, Penny witnessed a toddler pitching a fit when his mom left, and somehow that triggered her to get clingy and whiny about not wanting to be at school.

The school, by the way, announced yesterday that they're changing hands; Minnieland has sold them to another daycare company. Will the new company's policy let them keep doing Penny's insulin shots? We don't know yet. Matt or I are going to have to go to the parent-question session next Tuesday evening. But I'm getting a lot of mixed messages -- the director told me there were no personnel changes planned, but the announcement letter started with the phrase "mixed emotions" and she's acting noticeably tense about it.

I forgot to bring Penny's insulin chart with me to work today, so it's not going to get faxed in, again.

I've got Book Club at my house tonight, and while I'm really looking forward to it, I still have shopping to do, and then I need to clean the house (non-trivial, especially since the simple act of bending over to pick up something off the floor makes my sunburn suddenly shriek with pain) and get the food set out. Which will all be done with Penny in tow.

How can a house that looked blessedly clean yesterday after the cleaning service came look so sloppy and horrible this morning?

And speaking of sloppy and horrible, my glasses are crooked and I can't get new ones until August; my boobs are hanging to my waist and it doesn't make sense to get new ones until Alex is weaned, and I'm feeling particularly fat lately.

Maybe the extra physical sensitivity caused by the sunburn is triggering some variety of mental sensitivity as well. I want to just shut my office door and sulk until it's time to go pick Penny up for her appointment.


Anonymous said...

*Hands Liz some Solarcaine*

Sorry you're so out of sorts, hon.

But... you're going to get new boobs after Alex is weaned? O_o

Liz Brooks said...

To be more precise, I have new boobs now, and after he is weaned, I'll go back to having my old boobs. (More or less. Kinda.) The milk factory takes up more space when it is in production. The Itty Bitty Tittie Committee tend to look on it as a positive side-effect of childbearing. Those of us who were in D and DD cups before we got pregnant... not so much.