Friday, July 25, 2008

Who Sleeps?

I wound up staying up until midnight last night. Played WoW until almost 11, then noodled around on Facebook until 11:30, and then got sucked into reading until midnight. Oops.

Oops x2: Alex woke up at 5:15.

At least he was good. Penny came downstairs at about 5:40, just as Alex was finishing his bottle, and I set him down on the floor while I helped her get her play dress on (they are having "Fairy Tale Day" at school today, and everyone gets to dress up as their favorite fairy tale -- yes, we made her put on regular clothes under the play dress). When I'd finished, Alex seemed content to stay on the floor and play with the toys, so I let him. He rolled, squirmed, proto-crawled, and chewed his way across the entire floor, working his way from one toy to the next, perfectly happy, for at least half an hour. He probably would've gone longer except that I got up to clean a little spitup off his face, and he remembered that I existed, and got fussy when I walked away again.

Anyway, here I am at work; I've got a document waiting for review, and I'm supposed to be "leading" a teleconference at 11:30 for Proposal #2 but I have no idea yet what the agenda is supposed to be or what to put on it, and I probably need to be organizing something to get Proposal #1 underway, but I have no idea who's supposed to work on it (and the people I suspect it should be are currently working on the late stages of a completely different proposal that I'm not involved with).

Oh, and I discovered yesterday that caffeine does really fascinating things when mixed with the new antihistamine/decongestant the ENT gave me. Lethargic and jittery, plus a bad case of can't-shut-up. (Yes, I heard you snickering over there. I mean worse than normal.)

All of which is likely to add up to this probably not being the most stellar of days for me, but at least it's Friday.

(Assuming, you know, that I don't have to work over the weekend.)

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