Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Short and Sweet

Okay, I have no idea what the hell is chewing up so much of my network's bandwidth, but it's taking me like fifteen minutes just to load up blogger. (At a guess, it's the mandatory "upgrade" to Internet Explorer 7 that everyone has put off until the last possible minute, which means my connection will be all but worthless until the day after tomorrow.) So I'm going to email this entry in, and I apologize if it gets formatted weird or something, until I can actually get in to fix it.

And work just jumped up in my face and waved a bunch of red flags around, so even this is going to be short and sweet.

Penny had a great first day in first grade.  She came home with a bunch of forms for us to fill out (of course) and told Matt, "You have homework! And I won't do the special cheer until you finish it!" Matt saved a few lines of the "homework" for me to do so we could both witness the "special cheer", which took her a few minutes to remember and went, "Rock! Paper! Scissors! Youuuuuu. ROCK!" (With appropriate hand motions, of course.) It was very cute.

She did insist on my walking her to class today, but didn't try to cling once we got there. I figure I'll probably walk her back for the first week, then start making my farewells at the front lobby. We'll see how that goes.

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