Monday, June 20, 2011

Hello Fadda

I hope everyone had a great Father's Day and appropriately honored the ol' Y-chromosomal parent!

We had a nice one -- got Matt up with breakfast in bed, and gave him his gifts (hand-drawn cards from Penny and Alex, and a couple of fun books from me).

Hung around doing the usual chores in the morning (though as a Father's Day treat, I took both kids with me to the grocery store so Matt could enjoy a half-hour or so of quiet) and then after Alex's nap, we went down to my parents' for hot dogs and hamburgers and corn on the cob and watermelon, yum! We all ate way too much and stayed way too late chatting, but it was a lovely evening.

This week will be busy -- Alex and I both have checkups with the ear doctor on Wednesday morning, and Penny's back to CHKD on Friday to try the alternate insulin set method that hopefully won't trigger an allergic reaction. Matt and I made plans to meet John and Sam for lunch on Thursday, in part so we can finally buy a painting from John that we'd asked for last year, and in part so the four of us can actually have a conversation free of kid-based interruptions. (Sam has lost 80 pounds since her gastric bypass in March, and she looks fantastic!)

And then this weekend is the annual Summer Bash. (Current forecast - hot with isolated thunderstorms; keep your fingers crossed for us!) Looking at the sort of sparse work schedule for this week, I may be taking a day or two off to meet up with people and hang out, depending on when everyone is arriving and stuff. We'll see how it works out.

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