Thursday, July 1, 1999

Well, welcome to July! Do you like the new layout?

Today's entry isn't likely to be especially exciting, I'm afraid. We went over to K.T.'s last night to talk and game a little and we were there until 10:45. And then when we got home, we decided to wait up for Crusade. Of course, it had been moved up to 11:30 by the NBA draft (who the heck is excited by watching sports drafts?) and the draft dragged on until midnight. At that point, Matt thought he had the VCR working, so I went to bed after just watching the opening scene. But that means I only got, um... Hold on, I'll get it... About six hours of sleep. Which is more than enough for some people, but not enough for me. If I'm going to be short on sleep, I need to only get about three hours instead of almost enough.

It rained off and on for most of the day yesterday, which isn't unusual for Williamsburg at this time of year. In mid-afternoon, I looked at the window and the rain was coming down in buckets, slanting steeply sideways... crap! I'd left my car window open a crack! So into the heavy rain I dashed to close the car window.

I've always enjoyed walking in heavy rain. I love it when it's falling so hard and fast it's like being in the shower, so you really have no hope of getting simply damp - you're soaked almost the second you walk out into. Once you're soaked, there's no good reason to run or try to get out of it - soaked is soaked, so you might as well just go slowly and enjoy it. Yesterday was like that. Only, instead of coming inside to a clean towel and a warm blanket, I had to come back in to my office, which was too cold when I was dry. So I ran and lamented the lost opportunity. When I first realized I was falling in love with Matt, it was because he would come out into a summer rainfall with me, when no one else would. But it seems like we never have time for it anymore.

But it was really funny when someone offered me an umbrella after I came back inside.

::laugh:: I have a little program I picked up, called Runes, which I got to give me inspiration when I can't think of anything else to write about. Since I'm so sluggish this morning, I thought I'd pull it out and see what it told me to write about. This is what it tells me:
Tiwaz (Warrior) Reversed: One's energy and creative flow are blocked, mental paralysis, over-analysis, difficulties in communication.
How very appropriate. I think I'll take the gods' advice. You might want to check back later today, in case I post this afternoon - I seem to be prone to that just lately.

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