Thursday, February 17, 2000

17 February 2000

K.T. had invited us over last night to watch her new copy of Vampire Hunter D - subtitled, which I've wanted to see for ages. (The straight Japanese version is somewhat confusing, and the dubbed version is awful, as most dubs are.) But whenever we go over to their place during the week, we wind up staying later than we should, and I'm tired all the rest of the week (it's so hard to get caught up on sleep).

But then K.T. found out that due to circumstances beyond her control, she was losing her job - such are the vagaries of life as a temp - and we decided that, lack of sleep or not, we should go over and offer our sympathy and support.

K.T. told me that they had no food at their place (which I didn't actually believe - the lesson K.T. took away from her late-college years of poverty was to have food on hand at all times, and lots of it - but I was willing to believe that they weren't in the mood to prepare any of the food they had) and asked Matt and I to stop at McDonald's to pick something up on our way over.

Well, I'm trying to go back to my diet, and I'm sure you can imagine that McDonald's is definitely not a diet-friendly place, but I counted up what I'd had to eat, and decided that if I had a salad as my main course, then I could afford to satisfy my craving for french fries. So I agreed, and took their orders.

On my way over to 3GI to pick up Matt (whose van was at the shop for an inspection) I thought that maybe I'd rather have a sub, actually - if only to wash away the nasty taste of the sub I'd had at the Stupid Meeting on Tuesday. There aren't any Subways on our end of Williamsburg, or even conveniently planted on the route between our place and K.T.'s, but there is one on one of the possible routes between 3GI and our house.

So we took that route home, picking up a couple of subs (Matt's trying to diet, too) on our way. We picked up Matt's van - and there's a story to that which I'll leave to Matt to tell - and went home and collected the last of our spare boxes for K.T. and Kevin to use in moving, and dropped of some other odds and ends, and I made myself some popcorn to stave off the french-fry craving. We headed out, finding the interstate almost suspciously clear, and remembered miraculously to drive past K.T. and Kevin's place to the McDonald's.

Since K.T. had made a difficult request (no bacon on her Arch Deluxe! Astonishing!) Matt and I were prepared to wait a while. While we were waiting, a couple of girls approached the register, and both asked for a grilled chicken salad. The person manning the register stepped back, peered into a refrigerator, and told them, "Only one left."

The girls had a short conference, and one of them said, "All right, I'll have a garden salad, then."

The cashier didn't even look this time. "None left."

I was as astonished as the girls were. Out of salads?

Good thing I'd decided to have a sub!

Vampire Hunter D was very good, subtitled. Enough so that I'm tempted to pick up a copy for myself, despite the fact that I haven't watched any of my anime for several years. But D was one of the first anime movies I'd ever seen, and so it holds a special place in my heart. (The very first anime I ever saw was a Dirty Pair movie, which I thought was hysterical. If anime wasn't so expensive, it would probably be one of my actual hobbies. As it is, I watch a tape or so every six months and wish more subtitled stuff was available at reasonable prices.)

I slept much better last night, but was having very disturbing dreams near morning. There was some sort of troupe or show that I was part of, and the show we were doing climaxed with the hatching of a spider's egg sac and the flight of the baby spiders. (You've read Charlotte's Web, haven't you?)

Of course, in my dream, they weren't nearly-invisible baby spiders; they were all the spider I'd seen walking across the kitchen ceiling and then lost yesterday morning while I was making our lunches. It wasn't big, but it was definitely visible.

I couldn't get away from them, and I was almost grateful when the cat jumped up on the bed and started batting around my eyeglasses on my nightstand to wake me up.

I finally activated my Dencity account yesterday. I've decided to make it an archive of my fiction stories and am hoping that it will prod me to write more. I'm also thinking of using it for some of the older pictures from the photo album, and possibly as an information archive for active RPGs.

Nothing like good intentions!

Of course, nothing's there right now except the title page. I'll try to let you know when I get things up and running over there.

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