Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I'm hungry. Going to be a hungry sort of day, I guess, since it's Book Club tonight and I'll need to save up points for it. Unsatisfied appetite, unsatisfied mind -- this month's book was Nightlight, which is the Harvard Lampoon's parody of Twilight, along with Stephanie Meyer's partial draft of Midnight Sun (which is the events of Twilight from Edward's point of view). Neither of them really grabbed me, though.

The jokes made in Nightlight were pretty good, but they stretched it out too long -- they could've made it a short story or novella-length piece and it would've been much tighter and funnier.

And Midnight Sun was... well, an unfinished draft. I could feel that it might have been a fun read if she'd decided to finish it and clean it up, and it would have been even better if she'd written it earlier and spliced it into Twilight so that we were getting both points of view in the same book. But it's a draft. There were unexplained things, scenes that made no sense, characterizations that didn't work, consistency issues... Eh.

Other than that, I'm pretty well drawing a blank today.

Such is life.

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