Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Having Penny with me at work went more smoothly than I'd expected.  The hardest part was that I had two separate meetings to attend, an hour and a half each, and because they were conference calls where my mike was open the whole time (and in fact, for the second one, I was the meeting leader) she wasn't allowed to talk at all.

Anyone who knows Penny knows what an incredible challenge this was for her, and I have to say, she did a fantastic job.  I can't say she managed to stay completely silent, but she reined in the whispering as much as she could, and found ways to entertain herself that were only minimally distracting.  I was so proud of her that I packed up shortly after the second meeting and left work a bit early to take her shopping, and bought her several things by way of reward for having been so good all day.  And Matt let her get an extra toy back when he went through the nightly chore list with her.

As usual, she felt it was necessary to redecorate my office while she was here.  This time, she decided that since my office doesn't have any windows, she would create an outdoor scene for me on my door.

It's not the clearest picture ever, but if you click through to the Flickr page, I added notes to say what each picture is.  Honestly, given that she only had highlighters and a pencil to work with, I don' t think she did too badly.

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