Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Remember last week when Penny got sick and had to be sent home from school early?

Yeah, Alex got it on Saturday. Silly us, we thought, hey, Penny only threw up the once and then was fine, so surely Alex will get through it just as quickly. We forgot that his immune system is four years less experienced. He was sick all Saturday evening and into the night. He was fine Sunday, but then yesterday as I was getting his jacket on to head out for school, he threw up again. (Luckily, the only thing he'd had to eat so far was water.) So I got Penny to school and stayed home with him.

Today he seems mostly better -- or at least, enough better to be hungry and throw a temper tantrum over not being allowed real food for breakfast. But since he was sick yesterday afternoon, he can't go to daycare today anyway. (And Matt and I decided that since he was out Monday and Tuesday, and the place is closed Thursday and Friday, then we might as well keep him home Wednesday too, and just use our "vacation" week.)

On the other hand, Matt was feeling horrible this morning, so I don't know how long I'm at work for, today. And as I was driving to work, I started getting that thick-in-the-throat feeling that makes me think my turn is coming. (Further evidence: I forgot to bring a breakfast to work with me, but I'm not missing it. I'm not even sure I want to drink this coffee that I got myself.) Which makes me suspect that I'll be staying home tomorrow even if Matt is feeling better.

Just in time for Thanksgiving. It's starting to become a <a href="http://wherelizlives.blogspot.com/2008/11/uck.html">family tradition</a>. I could do without this one, though.

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