Thursday, February 18, 1999

Archive - 18 Feb 1999

Did you ever get a canker sore on the inside of your lip? I have one that lines up just about perfectly with the bottom edge of my upper teeth. The reason I'm bringing it up is that because of its perfect placement, I keep biting it, which of course isn't helping it heal. Ouchie. I hate canker sores. I used to get a whole mouthful of them every spring and fall, but now I hardly ever get them. Not that I'm complaining, mind you!

I was going to slouch around the house last night in my pajamas - a baggy t-shirt and some sweatpants. I put them on and headed for the kitchen to get a glass of water and thought, Wow, the legs of these pants are really cold. Another few steps and I was sure they weren't cold - they were damp. Uh-oh. We don't keep any drinks in the bedroom, and I'm pretty sure I would've noticed if I'd dropped them in a puddle of water in the bathroom. I pull them off and gingerly take a sniff. Yup. Cat peed on them. So Matt and I had to check everything else that was on the bedroom floor, just in case. And sure enough, Matt's shorts had also been peed on. Argh. It killed the romantic, cuddly evening we'd had up until then, because of course Matt got mad at him, and we had to change the litter in the litterbox in case he was trying to tell us something, and I had to worry... It used to be that Diamond only peed outside the litterbox when 1) the litter needed changing or 2) he was really angry. But lately we've had a real problem with it. It comes in spurts, and he usually stops for a while right after we change the litter - maybe he's just getting more picky about his litterbox in his old age. But I worry that maybe there's something really wrong with him. (The evidence is against it being an illness; for one thing, he always pees on the floor at the same time of the morning - right around 4AM. But I worry anyway.)

But we worry about what to do in six months, when we're moving into our new house. Do we put in a cat-door for him and hope he'll go outside when he has to go? Lock him in the garage at night? Keep him out of the house altogether? I don't want to lock him in the garage or out of the house at all - I love it when he's snuggled up with me; there's something so relaxing about a purring cat. But if he's peeing because he's mad about something, then a cat-door just isn't going to do the trick, is it? ::sigh:: I just wish we could speak a common language and I could ask him why he's doing it!

Enough about bodily functions. Sheesh. So I'm working on learning PHP3, and I'm feeling sortof proud of myself because I wrote a guestbook yesterday, and then my darling and my officemate have spoil it by telling me about possible complications. (Notice for the humor impaired - I'm just joking, okay? I wasn't really crushed by their pointing out flaws in my logic.) So now I'm working on a more thorough parser.

I wish I had more time in the day. Now that KT and Kevin have moved back to the area, KT's talking about a semi-regular Alternities game, and she told me today that another friend is thinking of starting up a Vampire game, and I had wanted to start up a campaign myself in a couple of months... But I can't figure out when I'll have time for one game a week, much less several! Didn't I used to have more free time? What happened to it all?

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