Friday, May 12, 2000

12 May 2000

Well. Yesterday was, um... Busy. I took two hours for lunch to meet Matt and Braz and Kris. And, since yesterday was the farewell lunch for Kurg at 3GI, we decided we'd all go to that and hang out on 3GI's periphery. Lunch was fun, though if Matt and Braz together are the hands of Loki, then Matt, Braz, Jeremy, and Kurg all together was downright frightening! (At least to we wives and girlfriends!)

After work, Matt and I took Braz and Kris out to dinner at Don Pablo's. Braz had been to a Don Pablo's someplace else, but hadn't tried the dessert. Matt and I commanded: We will all have dessert! Once they got a taste of the brandy-butter sauce, they applauded our decision. We had a great waiter, too - he was just obnoxious enough to be funny without being overbearing, and his occasional lapse of forgetfulness didn't actually distress us too much. (He was a bit late bringing chips and things.) And - joy of joys - he brought me a plastic container to bring home the rest of the brandy-butter sauce! Whee! Before we left the restaurant, he thanked us for making him laugh. We left him a healthy tip.

Matt and Braz wanted to go to World's Best, which is a comic and gaming store a ways down the road from the Don Pablo's. I like going there, but always get extremely bored before Matt decides he's done looking around. So I asked Matt to look for a particular book for me, and Kris and I stayed at the Barnes and Noble next door to the Don Pablo's, admonishing the boys to pick us up before it closed.

For about an hour, I wandered around picking up various books that looked interesting or that had been recommended to me by various people. I've been sortof interested in learning a bit about Taoism lately, so I picked up a tiny translation of the Tao Te Ching as the obvious starting point.

I found Kris at a table flipping through cake decorating books, and we compared notes for a while. The conversation wound up travelling off into a discussion of religion and spirituality that to me at least was extremely interesting, if slightly difficult at times. (My family is private in the extreme when it comes to matters of faith and philosophy. Asking someone in my immediate family to talk about their religious beliefs is only slightly less invasive than asking about their sex life.) I was explaining to her that I'd picked the specific version of the Tao Te Ching that I did because it had so little analysis - that I prefer to interpret things for myself - when Matt and Braz showed up. The four of us poked around a little longer, and then headed home.

Matt turned in shortly after we got home. By then, it was after eleven, and he was feeling tired. I was still pretty wired from all the sugar in the brandy-butter sauce, and so we all wished him good night. The three of us sat around idly flipping through TV channels, and suddenly Braz said, "Matt and I had a very interesting conversation while we were at World's Best."

"Oh? About what?"

"The Hall."

I glanced at Kris, who merely looked amused. "Would you like to tell me what about?"

Braz didn't really want to tell me what he and Matt had been talking about, but he was willing to talk about the side-trip I was on. Kris asked some questions, and we filled her in on the backplot, a little at a time, and she got caught up in the story, too, which thrilled both Braz and I to no end.

She finally gave up and went to bed around 1:30. Braz and I kept going. And going.

And going.

I think it was at about three that I began to think that maybe I wouldn't bother going to bed at all. At about four, Matt woke up, discovered I wasn't in the bed with him, and got up. He came about halfway down the stairs, glared at me, and went back to bed.

I looked at Braz. "He's pissed." Braz nodded. "I wonder if I should go up." Braz nodded again.

So we did in fact, get some sleep.

Matt wasn't as grumpy as I'd thought he would be; just worried. He insisted on turning off my alarms and told me not to go to work in the morning. I agreed, and he seemed okay.

I did actually go in to work this morning, but only long enough to fill out my timesheet (which was due today) and turn in a program architectural document that I'd written yesterday (which was due today). One of the managers came in as I was filling in the time sheet, and I stopped in his door to explain that I'd been up until four in the morning and therefore wasn't going to be in the office today. He agreed and told me to go home.

I'd say that's why I'm late posting this entry today, but Yeehaw seems to still be having some problems, so I can't post this even now that I've written it. I hope they fix them soon.

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