I've no idea at all what that was about.
But I'm beginning to think that coffee might not be the worst thing that ever happened to me, this morning.
Penny's school had "Field Day" yesterday. I remember Field Day from when I was a kid. I hated it, every year. Could not stand it. It was a chance for the kids who were athletic and coordinated to show off their abilities and for those of us who were not to be chosen last for every activity, mocked, and humiliated. And by the time I was in middle school, I had learned to hate being hot and sweaty, so even the prospect of getting to miss classes and spend time outside wasn't a lure.
But I was enthusiastic for Penny's sake. She enjoys athletics (P.E. is her favorite "resource" class) and she likes being outside, and we have enough trouble with her weight as it is, so I don't want to discourage her.
So she had fun. Came home slightly sunburned (just lightly, on the very tops of her cheeks) and tired. And with a ragingly high blood sugar -- seems that one of the activities involved bubblegum (not sugarless), and there were popcicles at the end. Also not sugarless. And her teacher did send her to the nurse for a blood sugar check after it was all over, but the nurse didn't give her any insulin, despite her blood sugar being high. I don't know what she was thinking, honestly. That all the activity and sun might make Penny drop again soon? That it was so close to the end of the day that she might as well save Penny the extra shot and let her get a correction with her afternoon snack? No idea.
They're having a "Beach Day" on Thursday. (Penny confused us for weeks by telling us that her class was going to the beach, when we knew they'd already had their two field trips for the year. Turns out that "Beach Day" is an at-school activity -- they bring in bags of sand and wading pools and have games and such.) I reiterated for both the teachers and the nurse this morning that we really do want her to participate in these things, and that it's fine if she has gum and popcicles with the other kids, but she really, really does need to have her carbs covered. It's a choice she's made time and time again: she's perfectly happy to get a shot if it means she gets to have treats. They don't bother her all that much.
(And I'm staring down the barrel of several months of Summer Camp/Daycare which involves at least two field trips a week, most of which are likely to involve food of some sort or other. Yay.)
Wow, I'm all over the map today. Tell ya what; I'll leave you with a cute picture of Alex doing The Lip (yes, it's out of focus; blame Braz) and go get some coffee.

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