First grade sounds so much more official, though I can't say she didn't learn an astonishing amount in kindergarten. I mean, when one thinks of kindergarten, one thinks of colors and shapes and the ABCs, but Penny's actually a fairly good reader already, and not too bad at writing (even if her spelling is horrible, but that's okay).
She's very good at simple arithmetic. Yesterday while I was in a meeting, she amused herself by writing on the white board: 1 + 1 = 2. 2 + 2 = 4. 3 + 3 = 6. 6 + 6 = 12. 10 + 10 = 20. (Her math workbook came home with her yesterday. Matt and I both seized on it as an activity book for the summer, to help her stay in practice -- she writes and reads with minimal prompting, but that white board was the only time I've ever seen her voluntarily approach numbers.)
She's even starting to learn to tell time. Wanting to know when it would be snack time, and not having a clock she could see, Penny wrote me a note: "tel me At" and then a very credible picture of a clock with the hands correctly pointing to 3:30. (And having watched her draw it, I'm even more impressed -- she started with the 1 and drew them around the clock instead of putting the ordinal 3/6/9/12 down first as guidelines, but all the numbers still wound up in pretty much the correct spots. Her sense of spacing is better than mine was.)

First grader.
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