Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mini Holiday

My mini-vacation is upon me!

I'm at work this morning, but I'll leave at noon, and not coming back in until Friday.

My plans for today include going to the gym and then hanging out with Karen until Matt and the kids get home (whether we Do Things or just sit around and talk is left up to the winds of whim). Karen's staying for dinner -- I'm making chicken-fried steak, which she's never had before, so that should be interesting. It's a pretty quintessentially Southern dish (though this particular recipe is lightened somewhat).

Tomorrow I'll go straight to the gym after I drop the kids off at school, then I have a doctor's appointment for some bloodwork. After that, KT and Karen are coming up and we'll have a mostly girlie day. We're planning to shop for much-needed clothes. (KT's shrunk out of her summer clothes already, and I need something to wear to my high school reunion in a couple of weeks. I don't know what Karen's mission is.) We'll meet Matt -- and anyone else who wants to join us -- for lunch, and Matt and I need to run over to the bank, but after that, it's back to shopping! And since we'll be in New Town, there's plenty of options for when we're done with clothes. I'm looking forward to it absurdly -- I hate shopping for clothes, but it's a much less onerous chore with friends along.

Yay, vacation!

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