Friday, September 10, 1999

10 September 1999
So our yard isn't completely hopeless. I mean, yeah, the dogwood tree they planted is either dead or dying, but for one thing, they planted it too deep, and for another, it didn't get much water for almost a week after they planted it. (That second part is my fault - we should have bought a hose right away, but we were waiting for a couple of hoses my dad had promised us, and for the whole week after we moved, it looked like it was going to rain Any Time Now, so we thought it would be okay.)

But now that there's been some rain and some sun, the grass is actually growing, so the soil isn't totally useless. It's a little sparse, and will need to be re-seeded, but that's mostly because the three days after they seeded the lawn were extremely windy, and all the protective straw got blown away, and then the seeds got blown around as well. But since it grew the first time, it'll grow again. Matt was being surly about it this morning, but I actually feel pretty positive.

Now I'm trying to decide what to do with the yard. It's tempting to say I'll just let it go until the spring, but I might at least want to plant some bulbs - if I remember correctly, fall is actually the time to plant bulbs, and bulb flowers are really pretty in the spring - daffodils and tulips and irises. I'm also thinking about sowing wildflower seeds around the ditch, where they didn't bother clearing the plants. Durn it, I need to get a gardening for dummies book or something so I don't accidently kill every living thing in my yard.

I'm sortof annoyed about our phone jacks, though. I won't bother trying to explain it all here - suffice it to say that we're currently paying for a second phone line for our house, but we're unable to use it. Very annoying. I called the electrician last night and left an annoyed message on their answering machine about it, and if they don't call me back by 10 this morning, I'll try again.

Going to be a busy weekend. The exterminator is coming Saturday morning to take care of the ant invasion (luckily, they didn't come back yesterday), Saturday evening is Richard's game, and Sunday I'm going to a baby shower. That means that sometime Saturday afternoon before the game, I need to go get a shower present.

But right now, it's dark and rainy and all I want to do is crawl back into bed.


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