Thursday, September 2, 1999

2 September 1999
Dammit, why doesn't it rain? The sky has been grey and forbidding for the past three days, but it hasn't done more than spit a few drops at us. I'd feel irritated about this even if I didn't desperately need the rain to water my non-existant lawn and revive my all-but-dead dogwood tree.

We didn't get very much done yesterday. We went to the grocery store, which was badly needed. Then we came home and talked to my dad, who decided that he would put off bringing his drill and post hole digger over until tonight. (Meanwhile, I'm still getting dressed in the closet and worrying about what mail we're missing.) Then K.T. and Kevin came over to pick up some stuff and they invited us to tag along with them to dinner and then over to Colleen's for the last episode of Crusade. Since Matt didn't want to cook and we both wanted to see the episode, it was a good plan. So we didn't get much done in the way of unpacking, and we were up pretty late, but what the heck; we've got a long weekend coming up.

Sunday morning, after the move, I woke up bright and early and couldn't go back to sleep. So I wouldn't wake up the houseful of guests, I crept quietly down the stairs with the intention of planting myself at the table and writing in the journal for a while. Sleeping in the living room were: Jeff, on the couch; Jen, on the air mattress she brought; and Greg, curled up on the floor. As I came down the stairs, Jen was shivering under her thin blanket. I carefully climbed over Greg and picked up a blanket that had been left in the dining room and draped it over her, then went back into the dining room and wrote for a bit.

When I came back out, she was shivering again and carefully wedging herself up against the couch, where Jeff's blanket draped down. I watched her for a few seconds, and then had a vision of the future: Jen would first crawl under the excess blanket draped over the edge, then get a grip on it and roll over, pulling the blanket off Jeff. I looked around and saw my stained-glass afghan in a bag on the floor. Quietly, so as not to wake up Jeff and Greg, I said, "Jen, I have another blanket you can use."

Jen replied, sleepily: "No, that's okay. Jeff doesn't mind sharing."

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