Thursday, September 30, 1999

30 September 1999
We had a nice evening last night. My brother came up and we took him out to dinner, then sat around until 9:30 or so talking about stuff, mostly gaming. It was fun.

After he left, I was getting ready to go to bed and realized I hadn't taken a shower yet. I debated with myself, and decided I'd rather sleep with wet hair than take a tepid shower in the morning. I did what Matt calls the "Indian princess thing" - which is to say I braided my wet hair so it wouldn't get too tangled while I slept.

I got a reprieve from testing yesterday - we were waiting for a new version of the program, with no idea when it might be done, so I got to spend the whole morning sitting at my own desk! (My supervisor wandered by, and I told him that now that I've done my time, I didn't want to be traded to testing ever again!) But the break was good - I got things ready to go to change the graphics and such here in the journal tomorrow with the advent of October. (Yes, it's a Hallowe'en theme. Don't act surprised, either.)

The cat was only a little bit of a pest this morning, but when Matt got up to feed him, it was discovered that Matt's sweatpants had been peed on. Since Matt was stomping and cursing, I assume that the cat did it.

::sigh:: I wish I knew why he does that. His litterbox had been cleaned just yesterday, so it wasn't that. He's usually much more of a pest before he pees on things from irritation. (Or maybe he was much more of a pest, and we were so tired we didn't notice.) At least so far he's only peed on things that can be picked up and stuffed in the washing machine. We're worried about the day he'll decide to pee on the carpet.

It would be one thing if it looked like the result of an aging cat who was becoming incontinent. That would be frustrating, but at least we'd know where to start. But he only pees on things while we're asleep - during the day and most nights, he's perfectly capable of using his litterbox.

Anyone out there have experience with this sort of thing? Anyone know what we can do? Matt rubbed Diamond's face in it like you do with puppies, but I don't know how much good that does with cats.

I know, I know, you really didn't want to read about that this morning.

But at least I didn't cheat and write last night!

Oh, and by the way, for those of you who never check the change history on the front page - All of Karen's pictures from the moving party have finally been posted in the photo album!

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