Friday, February 18, 2000

18 February 2000

Yesterday, about an hour before lunch, I started to feel it - an ache in my back in the mid-to-lower right. I sat up carefully and put my lumbar-support pillow behind me.

It didn't get any better. The ache faded, to be replaced by a sharp pain when ever I moved that muscle group too quickly. The lumbar support didn't help any. I went on my usual daily walk in the hopes that a little exercise and fresh air might have an effect. No good.

Sitting on the couch at home was even worse, and finally I got Matt to come with me to the drugstore where we picked up a heating pad. I spent twenty minutes leaning into the heating pad's highest setting, and the pain subsided enough to allow me to make dinner, though I returned to the heat as soon as I had my bowl of food. A half-hour or so of heat just before I went to sleep let me drift off to sleep without too much pain, and I hoped fervently that a good night's sleep would take care of it.

It doesn't seem to have worked. I'm going to give it until Monday, because a trip to the doctor means I have to hunt down our incompetant HR person and collect the insurance information that they still haven't sent me yet. Besides, I'm pretty sure it's a pinched nerve or something similar, so I don't know what the doctor can do about it anyway.

Still, I refuse to let it change my plans for this weekend! I don't actually get in the mood to shop very often, so when it rolls around, I need to let it have its way! And for whatever reason, Matt and I don't get to the movies very often, so since we've actually planned to go this weekend (to see Galaxy Quest, since you're curious) I don't want to change that plan, either!

Now that Valentine's Day is past, Cadbury has released their stock. I'm not actually a big fan of the Cadbury Creme Egg - too much sugar and not enough flavor - but I really do like their Caramel Eggs. I was crushed last year when I couldn't find any.

I discovered in the drugstore last night that they've got a new flavor this year (at least new to me): Chocolate Creme Eggs. Oh, my. Now that I've got to try.

Didn't I just start my diet back up...?

My mom sent me a slightly belated Valentine via my father yesterday. Imagine two Hershey's kisses, stuck together at their bases. Then wrap them in pink cellophane, and attach that and a fake leave to a wire by means of some florist's tape. The whole thing looks astonishingly like a rosebud. Very clever, whoever thought it up!

It's so cute I'm reluctant to take it apart!

I've been kindof slack at work this week - since so much of my project depends on what my co-workers are doing, there really hasn't been all that much for me to do. But yesterday I managed to come up with a list of about seven things that need to be done, at least four of which I can do before getting anything else from the others. So I should actually attempt to get some work done this morning. Shocking, isn't it?

Oh, by the way, I've got a holiday on Monday, so even if I do write that day, it probably won't be until later in the day. Just so you know.

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