Tuesday, June 13, 2000

13 June 2000

Ack. What a morning. The air conditioning in my car is starting to be less than effective - the air it blows is cool, but not cold. And Matt and I are driving tonight up to D.C., and coming back either tomorrow night or Thursday morning, and in any case we'll want working air conditioning. It shouldn't be a huge fix; the car is like eight years old, so it's no surprise that the unit needs recharging or refilling or whatever.

So this morning Matt and I left extra-early and stopped at the Merchant's to drop off my car. When I walked in, there were several people in front of me. First in line were a pair of women who dithered for at least fifteen minutes. How hard is it? You need work done, you get the work done! If you're not sure if you can afford it, tell the place to call you when they have an estimate! Ack! Finally, they turned over their keys and left.

The older guy who was in front of me was obviously bringing the car in for his wife. He didn't actually know what was wrong with the car, though he dutifully repeated what he'd been told. "...this sort of flapping noise at lower speeds."

"At what speed? Around 30?"

"At lower speeds."

He didn't take too long, though. As he was handing his keys to the girl behind the counter, I felt this weird vibration in the nose and temple of my glasses. I lifted my hand to adjust them, and the right lens popped out and fell on the floor. Ack!

The Merchant's has a sortof speckled grey floor. There was no way I was going to find the screw on that, though the older guy was very nice and helped me look.

"It's all right," I told him after a minute or so had gone by. "I've got a repair kit with extra screws." It's true, I do. This isn't the first time the lens has popped out of these glasses, though I've always been able to find the screw before. After the first time it happened and I had to try to put the screw back in with the screwdriver on my Swiss Army knife, I went out and bought the kit. It has a small screwdriver, several spare screws in various sizes, a magnifying glass, and some extra nosepads.

I fished it out of my purse, dumped a screw out, and tried to put it in my glasses. About this time, Matt came in looking for me. There I am, trying to explain to Matt, fix my glasses, and tell the Merchant's girl what I wanted done with the car. Ack!

I finally gave up on the glasses, deciding that I could see without them until I got to work, and once I got there I'd be able to put things down on my desk. I tried putting the frames back on my face, but the good vision I was getting through the remaining lens conflicted badly with the uncorrected vision in my right eye. I hadn't thought my vision was that bad, but I guess it is.

Oh, well, once I got to work, it only took me a couple of minutes to fix the glasses. I'd been trying to put the screw in upside-down. Oops. Heh.

I hope the rest of the day is better! As I said yesterday, you won't hear from me at all tomorrow, unless something so bizarre happens that I borrow Braz's computer long enough to post to the notify list. But we'll be away from even the laptop for most of the day, so don't count on it. I'll take notes on my Palm, though, and you'll get a report on Thursday or Friday! With pictures, even!

Word of the Day: adventitious - coming from another source and not inherent or innate; arising or occurring sporadically or in other than the usual location

Neat. Right now I'm in Williamsburg, which is a huge tourist town. Just about everyone here looks adventitious. And tomorrow, I'll be in Washington, D.C., where I'll be adventitious.

Oh gods above and below, help me to remember what idiot things tourists do in Williamsburg that drive me nuts, and help me not to do them in D.C... Unless I'm in the mood to be irritating, of course.

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