Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Parents Are Dumb

"Mom, why does Santa roll the presents?"

"He what?"

"Roll! Why does Santa roll that way?"

"I... have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes you do!"

"I really don't."

"You said!"

"I don't remember that, honey."

"Yes you do!!!"

"Why are you yelling at me?"

"I'm mad because you don't remember!"

"You're right, I don't. But yelling at me is not going to make me remember."

"Yes it is!"


Matt said...

I think this might be from when she asked you something about Santa and you replied, "Because that's how Santa rolls."

Liz Brooks said...

Yes, I figured that out after I'd dropped her off at school... Mostly, I was amused by the whole "yelling WILL TOO make you remember!" bit. :-)

Glossaria said...

I have yet to figure out where that phrase came from (i.e., "That's how I roll")... my local DJs picked up on the meme awhile back, and I learned about it from them, but I have no idea where *they* got it.

Pop culture is weird.

(And the captcha of the day is: "palpi." Yum.)