Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Penny nudged my elbow about two seconds after the alarm went off this morning. "Mom! It's six! Time to get up!"

Oy. How long had she been awake, waiting?

It showed in her mood, too. She asked me whether it was warm or cold today, and got excessively grumpy with my, "about the same as yesterday" response. Then she burst into tears in the car when she realized she'd forgotten the hat she wanted to wear and I told her we weren't going back for it. If it wasn't a school day, I'd be predicting a nap after lunch. As it is, if she can't manage to pull it together this evening, she may be going to be early.

It's a foggy morning, and everything feels muffled and sleepy. Even Alex spent the whole ride to daycare quietly chewing on his blanket instead of offering up commentary on everything he sees.

I'd say it looks like a slow day at work, but the last time I said that, I was inundated with tasks. So I'll just say that my to-do list is not especially urgent, at the moment. Maybe I'll try to swing a work-from-home day tomorrow. Those are always, weirdly, both productive and relaxing.

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