Tuesday, May 11, 1999

My alarm clock has two alarms. I use them both. At 6:05, the radio turns itself on, and then if I continue to hit the snooze button the annoying beeping alarm will sound at 6:30. This morning when the radio turned itself on, the morning DJs were playing a preview for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. It took me a second or two to reach out an arm to hit the snooze button (I need both alarms) and by the time I had freed my arm from the covers, Matt had rolled over and stopped me. His eyes were as wide as a five-year-old's on Christmas morning. It was very cute.

While I was writing that first paragraph, I almost typed "the radio went off" about four times, then realized that it sounded like the radio had been on and was now turning off. Aren't idioms fun?

I got on the scale this morning before my shower, and it looks like I might have gained a pound or so this week. Hardly surprising, since we were at a wedding this weekend (not to mention the wonderful rehearsal dinner the night before). I just hope I didn't gain too much.

I have to stop bringing books to work with me. I brought one yesterday and started reading it in the morning, got sucked into the book, and didn't do a lick of work all day. (Well, that's not quite true, but almost.) So today I need to actually do work. The horror... I'm not very excited about it, though - Friday I found out that now we're adding another two pointless layers to the project. I won't bother trying to explain, because so few of the people who read this are programmers (and explaining in deep detail might get me in trouble anyway) but suffice it to say that I was already irritable with the number of layers I was being required to create, and now there's another two. So I'm not very happy, but I am a lowly programmer and so my opinion is casually disregarded. (Listened to, but ignored.)

Dammit, I don't want to feel dissatisfied with my job! I don't know what else I would do!

Gods. It already feels like it should be Thursday or Friday, but it's only Tuesday. How am I going to get through the rest of the week? Oh, well. I guess I'll start with breakfast.

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