Thursday, May 13, 1999

Overheard on the radio this morning:

DJ: Call in and tell us your top three movies that aren't Star Wars!
Caller: (Note please that the caller has a thick Southern accent, so I don't have to try to type it.) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Steel Magnolias, and Under Siege.
DJ: Steel Magnolias? Really?
Caller: Well, ya gotta be in touch with your feminine side...

Matt turned the radio off and I almost crashed the car, I was laughing so hard.

So what are my favorite three movies (that aren't Star Wars)?

1) The Princess Bride, hands-down. It's one of the few movies I own for which I actually know the names of most of the actors. (I'm terrible about things like that. I don't know who wrote that book, I don't know who wrote or drew that comic, I don't know who directed or acted in that movie, and I don't know who recorded that song. In a way, it's nice, because I can judge something on its own merits instead of assuming it will be one way or another because of the reputations of the people who made it. But it makes talking about these things sortof a pain.) Anyway, The Princess Bride is one of my all-time favorite movies.
Inigo: Give me money!
Count Rugen: Yes!
Inigo: Power too, offer me that!
Count Rugen: All that I have!
Inigo: Give me everything I ask for...
Count Rugen: Anything!
Inigo: I want my father back, you son of a bitch! (killing Count Rugen)

2) Peter's Friends. I like Kenneth Branagh, even if he's a bit of a screen-hog. And I like movies that are funny and sad at the same time. And I like movies where the people are realistic and have real problems, and you don't have to wonder if they existed before the camera began to roll.
Andrew: Oh, Mags! Peter's never been very interested in women.
Maggie: He's definitely gay, then, is he?
Andrew: How should I know?
Maggie: Well, you're his best friend!
Andrew: We haven't discussed it! I don't think he's very interested in men, either. That's the point: I don't think he's very interested, full stop!

3) Disney's Mulan. This is beyond a doubt one of the best Disney movies ever made. All of the characters in it are strong, but they all have their flaws. It's one of the few Disney movies I've ever seen in which the girl's father isn't either dead or a short, fat, doting idiot. And best of all, the re-writers at Disney studios didn't feel compelled to make this a love story.
Mulan: I never want to see another naked man as long as I live!

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