Wednesday, October 13, 1999

13 October 1999

This morning as we were leaving for work, I came down the steps from our porch and saw a smallish blue flower adorning our front yard. "Look! A flower!" I said. "I must take a picture!"

So while Matt went down to the car and started wiping the dew off the windows, I put down all my stuff and hauled my camera out of my bag and took a picture of the flower in our front yard. Pretty little thing, isn't it? Can anyone tell what it is? It looks sortof like a morning glory, but I didn't see a vine.

The picture of the flower filled up the disk in my camera, so when I got to work and was copying the picture to put here, I fished a fresh disk out of my bag, and got a surprise.

You have to understand, I keep about half a dozen floppy disks in my briefcase. When I fill up a disk with pictures, I put a label on the disk with the dates of the pictures. Eventually, I will move all the pictures onto a Zip disk or CD-ROM or something, but in the meantime, they're on the disks.

I pulled one of the disks out and checked for a label. No label, so I assumed it was unused and stuck it in my camera, then turned the camera on just to check.

Hey! That's a picture of Karen! Where did this come from? And this! This is a picture of Braz!

I'd found the lost pictures from the moving party before the move! So go check the moving party album for the new pictures!

In an unprecedented leap of boldness and daring, I've actually been told what my next project will be at work! And been given starting materials! Someone help me; I feel faint...

According to the e-mail I was sent, I am destined to become the "Commercial Products/Solutions" InstallShield/AutoPlay/Build Queen. Which is to say I'm going to be the one who creates installation disks and sets up the AutoPlay scripts for my department. (That would be the "Commercial Products/Solutions" department.)

Don't look at me like that - it is too programming - some of these installation scripts are more involved than the programs they're installing!

And how often do you get told that you're going to become a Queen, I ask you that!

Anyway, all silliness aside, this is probably the first time ever that I've known what my next project will be before I've finished with the current one. This is certainly the first time I've been given any starting materials in advance - Bruce, the current King of Installations, brought me three books to read this morning!

I had a minor scare yesterday evening. I got home and sorted through the mail, and saw an envelope from our mortgage company. I opened it up and saw a monthly payment statment, which was all good and well, but it was dated September 7th, and it said at the bottom, "Your next payment is due: October 1. If we do not receive payment by October 16, you will be charged a late fee."

ACK! I have to get this in the mail tonight! Wait! We already paid our October mortgage! We even got a statement for it! What the... Do I have to.. We don't... ACK!

So I called the bank and spent about ten minutes on hold, and finally talked to someone who checked our account and assured me that no, they're not expecting any money from us again until the first of November.

I eventually figured out that what had probably happened was that this statement had been delivered toward the beginning of September, before we got around to putting up our mailbox. Without a mailbox, it had been bounced back to the bank, and had only now completed its return trip.

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