K.T. had decided Monday night that she was going to take Kevin to see Tarzan at the Patrick Henry Mall, and asked if we wanted to come along. I was still waffling (Matt refused to make any decisions on the grounds that it was my birthday) when Bruce told us that the theater at PatHen had been turned into a $1.50 theater, which was news to all of us! Well, that decided the issue - I'd been waffling because we'd seen Tarzan before, and I wasn't sure I wanted to spend that much money on it, but for a buck-fifty, sure, I'd watch it again!
I'd checked our Sunday paper before I left the house, and seen that shows were at 1:00, 3:15, and 5:30, or thereabouts. The 1:00 show was Right Out, so we decided to split up and meet at the movie theater at 2:30. (With our group, it's usually a good idea to meet at least half an hour before an event, because someone is usually late.) Matt and I went home to consolidate cars (he took the afternoon off from work to spend it with me, but we'd driven separately to the deli for lunch) and then, since the cleaning service was working on the house, we left again quickly after I opened my grandmother's present.
Then we headed out to do a couple of errands, and made it to the mall around 2:15, where we realized almost immediately that the movie theater didn't show matinee movies during the week. The only showing of Tarzan was at 5:50. We waited for the others to arrive. Matt was going to suggest going back to K.T. and Kevin's place to wait until closer to movie-time, but trying to get a suggestion through the minds of all six of us at once was an enormous task, and we wound up wandering around the mall for a couple of hours. At about 4:30, we split up again - Carl and Colleen to go pick up Richard from work and drag him bodily back to the mall to watch the movie, and K.T. and Kevin went to go look at a computer Kevin was interested in. I went back into the mall to buy some stuff I'd almost bought during our first pass-through. Matt detoured me to a trendy clothing store which was, much to his disgust, selling scruffy, beaten-up, falling-apart baseball caps for $18. I guess it's just not cool to wear in your own baseball caps anymore.
We all got back together again in time for the movie. I got a bunch of munchies - intending to pay for it myself - but Matt paid for me, which was very sweet of him. We enjoyed the movie immensely. I started out trying to watch the computer-generated graphics, but got caught up in the story anyway and just had fun. (Though I kept getting caught by surprise with drawing techniques and especially well-done CG.) After the movie we went back to K.T. and Kevin's to sit around and chat.
At one point, when it looked like Colleen and Richard and Carl were going to be arguing for the next year or so, K.T. decided she was going to go to the store for some soda, and Matt decided to go with her. When they came back, Matt spent at least ten minutes dithering around in the kitchen, which he never does even when he's restless, so I had an inkling of what was up. A bit later, he came out with a cheesecake covered with candles, and everyone sang "Happy Birthday" for me, and I got all the candles out in one blow! (Though there weren't 28 of them - just 16; one for each slice of cheesecake.)
Not long afterwards, Matt and I decided to go home, since he had to get up for work in the morning. When we got home, I had a package from Karen via Amazon.Com waiting on the front porch. So before we went to bed, I opened Karen's package and Matt's presents.
My "loot" included six books and a movie, so I won't have to go to the library for a good while! Hurrah for friends who know exactly what you like!

I slept in again this morning, though, and am feeling sortof lazy and not like wanting to get dressed and do any chores... I need to not get into that habit, though to be fair it only takes me half an hour to shower and dress, and the chores aren't going to take all day to do, either. But I don't want to get too far out of the habit of getting up early, or I'm going to be hurting when I get work again. And I want to keep up with the household chores, too, because if I wasn't doing them, then I'd feel like I wasn't pulling my own weight. So after I post this journal entry, I will go take a shower and change the cat litter and get the dishwasher started before I do any more work on this webpage or crack open one of those oh-so-tempting books!

As a sort of pre-birthday present to myself, I bought a cheap digital voice recorder last week, with the intention of using it to make notes of things that I wanted to write about and such. So far, I have twelve messages recorded, the first seven of which were just playing with the new toy:
- "Hello!!!" (an initial test of the toy.)
- "I love you!" (to play back to Matt.)
- Matt saying, "Liz is my sweetie-boo." (because he wanted to play with it, too.)
- "Spud says, 'Harrrr...'" (more playing.)
- three mostly unintelligible recordings from Saturday's AD&D game.
And then I finally start using it for its intended purposes.
- When we were at the grocery store on Monday, walking down the cereal aisle, I saw a box of "Milleni-Oats" - a Y2K compliant cereal! AAAAAAA! (It was essentially Cheerios, with an added shape of the number 2.) Things have gone just a little too far, here...
- When I was in the Books-a-Million yesterday before lunch, I shook my head when I saw the Complete Idiot's Guide to the Tarot and the Complete Idiot's Guide to Palmistry, but what made me record a note on my recorder was the Complete Idiot's Guide to Elvis.
- As I was leaving the deli yesterday, I looked to my left before pulling out, and saw, hanging from the back-seat window of the car next to me, the disembodied head of a Piglet.
- Two gift ideas that I won't mention here since some of those people read this journal.
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