I'll blame it on Matt. He gave me this lovely software for Christmas, and yesterday I started converting my maps of my home-grown campaign world into Campaign Cartographer's system, and I've been all wrapped up in it. So when I got on the computer this morning, I fired it right back up - just before I went to bed last night I'd figured out how to fix this problem...
So it's all Matt's fault. I'm sure he'll tell you that nothing's new there.

The plumber took me by surprise - he can't possibly have been any older than me, and was probably rather younger. Am I getting old, that I notice these things?
Anyway, he showed me how to turn up the temperature on our hot water heater so we can take showers longer than ten minutes. Then I showed him where the pipe into the toilet was leaking, except of course, it had stopped. He tightened the bolts and such just to be sure and said we should call back if it started up again, but that he couldn't fix something if he couldn't see the problem. Since debugging a computer program is exactly the same, I agreed and showed him out the door.
And then went back to working on my map.

Matt and I met up with my parents and grandparents last night and went out to dinner at a hibachi place in Newport News. The food was great, but my family drove me a bit crazy. There was a bit of a draft which my grandparents complained about - so my dad talked to every restaurant employee that walked by except the chef to try to get it fixed. Unfortunately, the draft was caused by the vents over the hibachi tables, and there's nothing that could be done to fix it. My dad felt it necessary to show off the six phrases of Japanese he remembers at every possible opportunity, but locked eyes with the chef while doing this absurd little half-bow... I'm not sure whether he gets points for trying, or loses points for being so crass about it. (He's been to Japan; he should know better than to make eye contact!)
Oh, well. I'm sure my grandparents were embarrassed by the fact that I wasn't wearing anything dressier than a sweatshirt to a moderately nice restaurant, so maybe we're all even.
After dinner, Matt and I went to the Barnes and Noble across the street so Matt could finally spend the gift certificate my folks had given him for his birthday. That was nice - I like bookstores. Especially bookstores with cafes that serve hot chocolate!

Today I'm going to head over to KT's, and we'll have lunch together and do some shopping - I have Christmas money to spend! Of course, we want to go to different malls, but I'm sure we can manage both. And if not, there's always another day!
Though not quite as many other days as I'm used to. Tomorrow I need to stay relatively close to home so I'm here when Jeff shows up. (I forgot to ask him when he'd show up, so I'm more or less stuck at home until he arrives - it's too cold to leave him sitting in his car waiting for more than a few minutes.) Friday Matt and I will be running around getting ready for Friday night's party, and I'm sure the malls will be packed this weekend. And then Monday I start back to work!
I'm trying to decide whether I'm nervous about that. Ask me again on Sunday.
Anyway, if I'm going to get to KT's in time for us to have lunch, I'd better get a move on!
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