As these things go, it was pretty standard: they'd never been able to rehearse in the space, so it took them an extra ten minutes to get the kids filed in an arranged on the stage; half the kids were completely unintelligible due to being quiet or shy or still having a lot of baby-talk habits; a couple of kids got stage fright (but only one actually broke down into tears and couldn't say her line -- poor thing); and most of them could either sing the songs or do the hand motions, but not both at the same time (Penny to be included in that particular list); and of course the singing itself was, well, childish.
Penny's line was to lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance, so she had her part early on, and she did very well with it, if I do say so myself. Though the microphone was set just a little bit too high for her, so she did it while craning her neck upwards. About ten minutes in, one of the teachers sitting on the floor noticed that the short kids were craning and the tall kids were stooping, and started reaching up to adjust the angle for them.
(Though speaking of short and tall, I noticed that Penny is no longer the second-shortest kid in her class. She's even a smidge taller than one of the other little girls who, at the beginning of the year, was significantly taller than her. She's still on the short side, but I don't have to worry that her growth is stunted or anything.)
Anyway, she did great and Matt and I were really proud of her. (If only Alex had consented to watch the show... He got squirmy and bored before they even started, so Matt watched the whole thing from the back of the auditorium, spending most of it out in the hallway.)

Between the program and the excitement it caused, both kids went to bed late last night. By the time we got them down and I'd taken a quick shower, it was 9.
"I think I'm going to do my wiirkout, start my flickr uploads, and then go to bed," I told Matt.
Twenty-eight minutes into what is usually a 35-minute routine, I wondered why my arms were so achey. Well, I did use the arm-bar while I was on the elliptical at the... gym... today.
Aheh. So I did a Wii Fit workout on top of having gone to the gym. Does that mean I get to skip today's planned wiirkout?
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