Friday, March 6, 2009


I'd gotten all excited.

See, I'd tried something new for my breakfast -- I'd brought in a whole wheat, low-fat english muffin and used it to make an egg sandwich. It was working out surprisingly well.

And when I say "surprisingly well," I mean that I was looking up from my work at 12:30 or 1 and realizing that not only had I not gotten hungry before lunchtime, I still wasn't hungry well into lunchtime. Yesterday, at 2:30, I forced myself to eat lunch even though I really didn't want it.

It was the miracle breakfast! Real and lasting satisfaction! I was excited!

An hour or so later, it occurred to me that maybe my appetite was minimal because I was coming down with the stomach uck. Alex had it last week; Matt's had it, off and on, most of the week... it was bound to be my turn. And hey, some of that tiredness and exhaustion that I've been complaining about for the last few days? Possibly also a side-effect of encroaching illness!

By the time I got home from work, there was no doubt: the Uck had found me.

I'm at work today because I more or less have to be, but I'm kind of draggingly exhausted and my stomach is far from settled. I packed myself mostly yogurt and other pap to eat, and we'll see how the day goes. I may end up giving up the ghost a bit early.

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