Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Last night was my book club's annual Christmas meeting. I drank a couple of peppermint drinks and ate way, way too many cookies.

So I was thinking the vaguely aches and pains I was feeling this morning were a combined sugar/alcohol hangover.

But then, around the time I was bustling the kids out the door through the rain to my car, I realized my voice had devolved to some sort of peculiar croak -- less like a sound emerging from a living being and more like the grind of shifting tectonic plates. Which makes me wonder if I've caught whatever it is that's making Alex cough and hack lately. Whee. Whatever it is, my eyeballs ache if I have to roll them more than about 45 degrees off center, and my neck is complaining about picking up the extra slack, so I expect today will be fun.

The bit where I don't want any food at all, though -- not even coffee -- that's probably from the cookies. I'll nurse a mug or two of tea and see if that helps.

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