Monday, July 28, 2008

House of Five

Mostly, it was a pretty quiet weekend. We ran errands (the new Target is all of five minutes away from both home and my office, which is great for me. Now, if only they carried the soda I like to drink) and did the usual chores (Alex even managed to maintain his cool the entire time we were at the grocery store!) and Penny and Ray played together a lot.

Ray's parents have decided they're okay with him coming over to our house solo, which is actually a lot easier on all of us -- if they're not coming over to keep an eye on him, then we're free to do our own chores or relax on our own and just keep one ear on the kids. To confine the boundaries of mess, I've told them that they have to (mostly) stay in the green room or Penny's room; the other downstairs rooms are acceptable for passing through, and the other upstairs rooms are absolutely off-limits. It worked out pretty well. Plus now I can send Penny over to play at Ray's house without feeling obliged to follow her.

There's not any reason to obfuscate this, so I guess I'll just lay it out there: Braz and his girlfriend broke up, and so he's living with us for the time being, sleeping on an air mattress on the floor in the green room. I have no idea how long it'll last -- if nothing else Braz's allergies are bound to get to him sooner or later.

It makes for a fairly crowded house, but Penny is thrilled all to pieces. The morning schedules are likely to get a bit tricky, with an additional person needing a shower, but I guess if I get too anxious about it, I can always leave early.

We'll see what happens, I guess.

This week promises to be awesomely crazy, anyway. I've got three separate appointments for allergy testing and follow-up, and the usual meetings and teleconferences, and there's this proposal doohickey that I'm trying to coordinate (though that will be taken back off my hands at the end of the week, thank the gods).

Plus the, you know, trying to fit in time to exercise. What with the doctor appointments and the proposal stuff, I may not get to swim at all this week, and almost certainly not today, so I threw my other exercise clothes into my gym bag -- I might have time to give the bikes a try.

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