Friday, October 2, 2009


I got so caught up in ranting about the proposal that I forgot to talk about the whole reason I was writing about it at all:

However dark the cloud, there's always at least a glimpse of silver. In this case, I have so far encountered two little sparkling stars that make me smile every time I see them:

1) My main point of contact with the other company we're working with on this proposal is Mr. Moneypenny. I swear I'm not making that up, that's his honest-to-god name. (I usually avoid using the full/real names of people I encounter at work, but this one is too good to pass up. And not likely to score very high in a google search, heh.) I've so far avoided making any Bond references in my communications with him -- he's probably pretty sick of it, I'd imagine. But the temptation to do so anyway is really quite incredible.

2) While compiling a list of various contracting officers for assorted contracts -- most of whom are located in the DC metropolitan area -- I discovered there is a town in Maryland actually called Suitland. Suit-land! Ah-hahahahaha! How very appropriate! How the hell did that slip through?


Glossaria said...

Suitland, named for Samuel Taylor Suit, apparently, who was a state senator (so he really WAS a suit! HA!). AHA... and headquarters of the US Census Bureau. I *knew* I'd seen the name before somewhere. :)

Liz Brooks said...

Dang, now you've spoiled it for me. I'd been hoping for some urban planner rolling his eyes over the inevitable swarm of businessmen and slipping a little wry humor past the humorless approval committees...

Well, obviously, this senator guy was just the convenient excuse that made it palatable for the approval committees. *grin*