Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Cozywarm is what my bed was this morning when I didn't want to get up.

But (alas) here I am, ready for another day.

We almost didn't have our group dinner last night, as Jess wasn't feeling terribly well, but she was no longer feverish by afternoon, so we decided to risk it anyway. It was a blast. Having the girls eat at their own table, in a different room from the rest of us, worked out really well -- they got to have their own conversation without being overridden by adults, and the grownups got to chat without being interrupted every ten seconds. We did get called in a couple of times, and Matt went in once when it sounded like things were getting a little too rowdy, but all in all: super-fantastic.

Everyone liked the soup (except Jess, who I hadn't realized doesn't like tomatoes -- but I didn't worry about her too much, because she hardly ever eats dinner anyway) and then we had chocolate cake to celebrate Jess's birthday. (Alex ate an entire grownup-sized piece by himself, and then went looking for more, much to Karen's amusement. Eventually, she'll post pictures and I'll snag them.)

They had to leave shortly after dinner, unfortunately, to get Jess home in time for bed. But it was really great while they were visiting. I wish we could see them all more often.

I had a more or less free evening, and I probably should have tried to get some writing done, but I wanted to catch up on my collected RSS feeds, and by the time that was done, it was already almost 9:30. Not really enough time for good writing. So Matt and I watched the TiVO'ed Big Bang Theory and dorked around on our computers, and then I fell into bed and didn't wake up until around 4, when Penny launched herself onto my stomach to tell me she had a really, really, really, really bad dream.

Coffee. Coffee is my friend.

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