Friday, June 20, 2008


I'm back to "raspy" this morning, thank goodness.

Unfortunately, the muck in my throat has turned into a persistent itch that's making me cough more or less constantly. Didn't I just get over this like a month ago?

I put Alex down for a few minutes yesterday so I could work on lunches while Matt was giving Penny her bath. He was okay for a bit, and then fussed up. I picked him up and calmed him down, then set him down somewhere else. That didn't even last a minute. I talked to him, but was up to my elbows in soapy water, so I figured on just letting him fuss for a bit.

Matt finished with Penny, though, and came down to help out. "This is why boys get taught not to cry," he laughed as he picked Alex up. "Otherwise they'd just cry at everything!"

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