Sunday, June 15, 2008


Alex is on the living room floor, rolling from toy to toy (he figured rolling out all at once, it seems, a few days ago, and has achieved semi-mobility). He looks at me every so often, but mostly is content to chew on his toys or his toes. (He's so close to crawling, already... Another month, maybe. Six weeks, tops.)

Penny is in the dining room, playing with play-doh and a my-little-pony knockoff toy at the table and singing a song she's inventing as she sings it. It has no tune to speak of and even less rhythm, but she's happy.

I'm sitting at my computer reading comics and keeping one eye on Alex and one ear on Penny, and otherwise not interfering with them. Matt is taking a shower.

It's been a quiet, cheerful, contented morning for us (even if that morning started before 6).

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