Friday, June 6, 2008


Who was I kidding, toy store or ice cream? Of course Penny got both!

She was pretty good for the blood draw -- the draw itself was no fun, as she cried and screamed, but she didn't try to jerk away from the nurse, and she calmed down pretty fast afterward. So I took her to Toys R Us and she picked out a toy cell phone with a Batman theme. (It's a pretty awful little toy; it doesn't even have individual number buttons -- just one big button shaped like a keypad -- but Penny thrills when its random-noise generator comes up with one of the Batman voice clips instead of a phone noise.)

I might've also picked up the 12" Batman/Superman set, as long as I was there, for her birthday. Or maybe graduation. We'll see.

On the way to the register, I spotted a cooler with ice cream bars and such in it, and I thought that would be much more convenient than taking her over to Chik-fil-A for ice cream. I guess I figured we'd sit on a bench at the front of the store to eat it, and then go.

Except they didn't have any benches at the front of the store. Or on the sidewalk outside the store. No benches, anywhere. So instead we wound up standing on the little grassy endcap in the parking lot so she could eat her ice cream. In the 95-degree heat. Thank the gods I had a pack of wipes in my car.

(I have to say, there's nothing like filling a syringe in the midst of a busy parking lot to get people to stare.)

I made turkey wraps for dinner last night, and once again, Penny decided she didn't like them. I can't even say she didn't give them a fair try; she ate almost a quarter of hers before she gave up and unrolled it to eat the insides out.

So much for that attempt at an easy and healthy meal option. And now I have a half-dozen or so wrap tortillas in my fridge. Guess I'll be having wraps instead of sandwiches for lunch for a while.

Alex was up at 4:30 this morning. He's been slowly inching his wake-up time back, but this wasn't going to fly. I changed his diaper (tactic #1 has been a dirty diaper) and put him back to bed.

He screamed for ten minutes, and then Matt went in and soothed him into a doze. That lasted until a smidge past five. I thought about getting up -- I usually consider it a fair wake-up after 5am -- but he'd just gotten back to sleep, and the thought of wrangling the tiredfuss for two hours made me tired and fussy. So I went in and rubbed his tummy until he cooled down and fell back to sleep.

That lasted until well after Penny and Matt and I were up -- I picked him up out of the crib around 6:30, I guess.

I need a coffee IV today.

These are possibly the most horrible band-aids I've ever had in my life. As soon as you put them on, the edges peel back and start collecting dirt, which is pretty ubiquitous behavior for any brand of adhesive bandage, but when you give up and pull these off, they leave a scrim of glue on your skin that a) immediately turns black and b) refuses to be cleaned off by any method short of chopping off the offending limb.

Maybe they'd work better on a relatively flat patch of skin like my arm or my leg, but wrapped around my thumb, they're a nightmare.

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