Happy Hallowe'en from our little Boo-Boy!
(That little grin is sweeter than any candy... Couldn't you just eat him up?)
I spent most of yesterday chaperoning a field trip with Penny's class. There were a lot of chaperons, so I only had to keep track of Penny and one other little girl.
We went into the pumpkin patch to pick a small pumpkin, and then we went on a "haunted" hay ride (there's only so scary a ride can be in full sunlight, though the kids had fun shrieking in pretended terror) and then into the corn maze.

After that, we went to a nearby park to eat lunch and have a scavenger hunt. It was too cold and windy to eat outside, really -- everyone was shivering and either not eating or scarfing their food down as fast as possible. It was a relief to get up and move around to look for leaves and pine cones. Penny and her friend both filled their pockets with acorns.
Then we went back to the school, and I went home and spent an hour or so relaxing and playing Warcraft. Just before Penny was due to get out of school, I changed clothes and went to the gym, and then (since the gym is about 3/4 of the way to Alex's daycare anyway) I picked Alex up so Matt wouldn't have to make the drive.
It was a nice day off, though it would have been better if it had been a Friday.
Tonight, I'll head home and fix dinner ASAP so we can get to the trick-or-treating. It's my turn to escort her around this year, and I'm quite looking forward to it, even though it's going to be pretty damn chilly.
Alex will be coming with us in his pea-pod outfit (assuming I can rig up a way to fasten him into the stroller) but probably only for a few houses -- I don't think he's going to have the patience or the aplomb to do more than that.
There will be pictures, of course. Stay tuned!