Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kid Update

Skipped right over yesterday, didn't I? Oops. It's just been so crazy, and I've got so much freaking work to do (and 90% of it is administrivia, argh!) that I dove right in when I got to work yesterday, surfaced long enough to go get my allergy shots and eat lunch, and then spent the afternoon drowning again.

Not much to talk about, anyway, aside from bitching about work. Let's see...

Alex is letting me wear earrings and necklaces again, which is nice. Also, he's cut a fifth tooth, and a sixth is certainly on the way in the very near future. After a three month break between the first and second sets, I was expecting more than two weeks between the second and third. Guess he's making up for lost time, or something.

I need to remember to start giving him a sippy cup with dinner, and trying (while accepting the futility of it) to train him not to bang it or wave it around too much.

Penny's endocrinologist, after weeks of letting her float along at the very top end of her range, has suddenly decided to get aggressive about her night and morning numbers, so he's upped her dose of long-acting insulin, and increased her insulin-to-carb ratio for breakfast. It worked; she was 112 at 10 last night, and 90 this morning at breakfast, which is fantastic. I'm mildly worried about how it'll affect her around lunchtime, since she has a tendency to run low there, but she's already getting a mid-morning snack; if we need to increase the carbs on that (especially, say, on PE day), we can.

And we're going to be signing her up for swimming lessons at the Y -- the next class session starts right before Christmas. (I need to get precise dates and find out if it'll be a problem if she misses the class where we're in Chicago.) The lowest level class they offer isn't even technically a swimming class -- it's water safety, and it's mostly about getting kids comfortable with being in the water. I figure we'll start her there, because she's only been in a pool a handful of times in her life, and there's no real hurry. At six weeks a session, I'm pretty sure we can get her through at least three levels before summer hits.

I think that's it, really. Admire and envy my exciting life!

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