Monday, November 3, 2008


Alex's peapod costume didn't fit.

I got his legs in the bottom of the bunting, and his arm through one sleeve, and when I went to get his other arm into the other sleeve, the shoulder of the costume on that side only came up as high as his armpit.

"Well, maybe you can bend your knees," I told him. "We're not going to be out long." I bent his knees, but before I could even readdress the sleeve, I could see that, with bent knees, there was no way the costume would zip up.

Thank goodness I'd picked up the festive-but-not-a-costume outfit for him to wear to school; he just stayed in that for our prowl around the neighborhood.

Ready to Roll!

Penny wanted to go with Ray, of course, so we met up with him and his mom and headed off down the street. We only did about two blocks, though, before Ray decided he was done and wanted to head home. I thought Penny would want to continue after Ray went home, but she decided she'd rather play with him. (Ray's family tradition -- his dad brings a bunch of glow-in-the-dark stuff and they play outside in the dark. He always brings enough for Penny, too.)

Two Knights

Which worked out pretty well, since it was about time to get Alex to bed. I left Matt to keep an eye on Penny while handing out candy, and went inside. Matt ran out of candy at 7, even though he'd been "limiting" his handouts to three pieces per kid. (Next year: four bags of candy.)

Alex was tired, but didn't want to sleep; he was still squawking and talking when, at 7:30, Matt came in to tell me that Penny wanted to do some more trick-or-treating. So he took her down another couple of blocks while I got my shower.

All in all, it was a good Hallowe'en. Penny had lots of fun and collected a huge stash of candy (and I have to say, the quality seems to have come up from last year, too).

Saturday we went down to the Turnitsas for Game Day. Matt settled into some colonization game while I got Penny a plate of fruit and cheese and settled her in front of a Teen Titans DVD with the four-year-old son of one of the other gamers, and wrangled Alex, who was a little tentative about all the new faces.

When Penny had finished her snack, I dug out her kit to give her a shot, and realized there weren't any needles in it. Well... shit. Matt handed me his cards and drove home for them.

Half an hour later, just as I was starting to get a feel for the rules of the game, Alex got fussy and I decided to fix him a bottle. I got out the diaper bag and the containers of formula I'd carefully packed and... I'd forgotten to pack a bottle for him to use.

Firing on all cylinders, I was, Saturday.

Luckily, Alex managed to make do with bits of fruit and cheese until we got him home, though the dinner pizza didn't arrive until nearly his bedtime, and he was pretty fussy the whole time we were eating. We jumped ship immediately after we'd eaten.

And Matt remembered on the way home that it was clock-changing night. Oy.

So we spent Sunday recovering from the rest of the weekend and feeling slightly zombie-ish, since of course both kids were up at 5.

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