Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ten Again

I neglected to write about this last week, because I try to keep the diet talk over on the diet blog, and because last week was pretty insane at work. But assuming that I haven't completely gone crazy on Easter candy (and I'm pretty sure I've stayed within limits on it) then I've passed my second 10% marker. That's not 20%, since each 10% is calculated based on where I start it. But it is more than fifty pounds lost since last October.

Which makes it a milestone worth mentioning here. The last time I went on a diet (three or four years ago) I got to about this point -- which was the thinnest I'd been since before Matt and I got married -- hit a plateau, and gave up. I've got a better support network this time, though, so I'm hoping to push through it and onward to my final destination.

Every pound I lose for the next twenty or so will be the thinnest I've been since... well, I didn't track my weight while Matt and I were dating. But I know about where I was when we started dating, and about where I was when we got married (which is heavier than I am now). This next 10% journey will cover what remains of that territory. It seems appropriate to start it off, then, just before our anniversary.

And the next time I mention the diet here, I'll be back to grad school territory.


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