Thursday, April 30, 2009

Worked Out

I got home from work and realized I'd forgotten to take the chicken out of the freezer for dinner. After a few moments' frenzy, I realized that it was actually an opportunity. If I'd been thinking when I made this week's menu, I would've planned leftovers for Wednesday anyway, to give me more time to get ready for Book Club.

And Matt'd had an enormous lunch and didn't want dinner anyway. So I fed Alex and Penny on leftovers, and fixed myself a can of soup.

Which gave me more points to use on snacking during the book club meeting, so it all worked out. I love it when that happens.

Book Club itself was nice, though small -- only three people came, and one of them was late and only stayed for about an hour. And everyone was gone before 10.

We universally agreed that while the book (Woman of a Thousand Secrets, by Barbara Wood) hadn't been a complete waste of time, there were parts of it that really annoyed us. And then we moved on to talk about our kids and husbands, as usual.

I have to say, it's a damned good thing I'm not PMSing right now. Because just lately, there have been a whole rash of incidents that my PMS-brain would absolutely, positively interpret as "no one wants to be around you" and it would be a huge mess. Or at least, I would be a huge mess.

So, yay for being semi-rational.

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