Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Mondays always feel insanely rushed and busy, and then I get to the end of the day, and almost nothing has actually been done. And looking at my schedule, I fear today and Wednesday are going to be similar: both days have meetings at 11, and then again around 2 or 2:30. Which, admittedly, is not a particularly onerous meeting schedule, but it does serve to break the day down into chunks.

I might be able to get things done in the mornings, before the first meeting. But after the first meeting, I'll need to go and get my allergy shots (today) or hit the gym (Wednesday), getting back just in time to set up for the afternoon meeting. Both afternoon meetings promise to be on the long side, so once they're done, I'll only have an hour or so left in the day. Obviously, I can get some work done then, but I won't be able to settle into any really big projects.

Thursday, I'll be working at home in the afternoon, taking Penny after her last day of school is done. And Friday I'm working at home all day -- once again, with Little Miss Distraction hanging around.

I guess it's just not going to be my week for big projects.

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