Thursday, July 22, 1999

Here's a tip for you: If you think you might be going to bed early, don't drink a glass of Diet Coke and eat three peppermint sticks half an hour before you try to go to sleep.

I was so tired that I actually dozed off, but it was a sort of restless doze where I had to turn over every fifteen minutes or so. That lasted until about 11:30. Needless to say, I did not get caught up on my sleep last night.

In the car this morning:
"...kindof small - only twelve inches."

"Oh, you were just spoiled by Braz's big huge - what is it, fourteen inches?"
Laptop computer screens! What were you thinking?

I hate gambling. The prime interest rate has gone up by about one percent since we got our mortgage estimate several months ago. Now we have to decide whether to lock in at the higher rate, or take the chance that it will go down sometime in the next month. Our loan officer thinks it will go down, and he explained why he thought that. (His commission is the same no matter what rate we get, so he has no reason to mislead us.) But one percentage point is worth about $150 per month to us, so it's a pretty big gamble. If it goes up instead of down, we're going to have a pretty rough time making those payments. I hate gambling.

Matt says: "And you want to go to Las Vegas for a vacation?"

But the house is coming along pretty nicely. Not one single person wrote yesterday to say they were coming to help us move! Gee, three months ago the offers of help were sounding like it was going to make for a big party. Oh, well, I'm pretty sure we can do it with just my parents' help if we have to. Maybe we picked a bad weekend (27-29 Aug, if you hadn't heard yet). Or maybe you all thought, "She's not talking about me - they know I'm coming."

Or maybe fewer of you read my journal than I thought. ::grin::

I actually have work to do at work today! Let the masses rejoice! Okay, so it's almost the exact same thing that I did a couple of weeks ago, and it's a little too close to the testing department for my comfort, but at least I'm not stuck playing Moria and reading all day. I'm still waiting for a real project, but at least this isn't entirely makework.

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