Wednesday, August 18, 1999

I was exchanging e-mail with K.T. yesterday, and I told her that I was waffling on so many things that if I didn't know better, I'd think I was pre-menstrual.

Things Liz Is Waffling About

Whether to try to find a divided box to pack wine glasses in, or just to wrap them carefully and put them in a regular box.

Whether to try to organize my desk before packing, or wait until we move and I get a new desk.

Whether to approach our builder nicely or to be a hard-nose.

Whether to make fish or chicken for dinner, or just give up and go out.

Whether to plan on cooking the few days before the move and have to pack all the pots and pans and stuff at the last minute, or pack everything now and eat a lot of microwave meals and fast food.

Whether to cut all my fingernails short so they don't get torn during the move, or leave them in the hope that some of them will survive it.

Whether to continue dieting for the next couple of weeks and endure the additional stress, or put it on hold in the hope that it will reduce the stress enough that I won't completely pig out. (The more stressed I am, the more I want to eat. An interesting dilemma when the diet itself causes stress.)

Whether or not 9 A.M. is too early in the morning to have a soda. Especially a really strongly flavored soda like Diet Dr. Pepper.

Whether I should wander out of the office over to the Candle Factory next door during work to peruse their one-cent sale. (I'm not actually working on anything, and I doubt anyone would actually miss me.)

Whether I should take advantage of my mom's offer to take me shopping for things for the new house before we close, after we close but before we move, or after we're done with the move. (Which is not to say that all three isn't a valid possibility, knowing my mom.)

Whether to listen to music or appreciate the quiet.

Whether to wear my hair up in a ponytail or let it hang straight.

Whether to wear clothes that suit the weather or those that suit the temperature in my office.

Whether to tear out my hair or chew on my fingernails when I hear about the next building delay.

Whether to laugh or cry.

Whether to dance or sing.

Whether to post this nonsense or just scrap it and start all over again.

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