Friday, April 17, 2009

Weekend, Ho!

Just need to get through today, and then I've got a glorious long weekend to look forward to.

Tomorrow is Matt's and my eleventh anniversary. We weren't able to line up a babysitter for the kids for this weekend, so Matt and I decided we'd take Monday off from work and go out for lunch. (We thought about lunch and a movie, actually, but since we'd need the movie to be over by 2:30 so we're not late picking Penny up from school, that doesn't seem very likely. But I decided months ago that I was going off the diet for our celebration, so I'm looking forward to that.)

And then I decided that I was so stressy over work that I need another day off, so unless something goes horribly wrong at work today, I'm taking Tuesday off as well. I don't have any solid plans for that, yet. Maybe do a little shopping, go to the gym, take a nap... That probably fills up the day for me, right there, to be honest.

Whatever. Four glorious days of not being at work. I can't wait.

1 comment:

jenniebee said...

Happy Anniversary!!!