Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Excitement Central

Yeah, so, weekend of strep. Actually, it wasn't too bad. I didn't get it -- apparently the scratchy throat was allergies and the headache was from stress or lack of sleep or something, because it was all gone Saturday.

Alex didn't sleep very well through the weekend, and he was kind of clingy, but was in pretty good spirits during the days. Penny was fine, though being sick made her sugars skyrocket -- we ended up calling her doctor and increasing the dosage for her long-acting insulin (from 4.5 to 5.5 units a day) and changing her corrective factor (from 1:150 to 1:100) for the duration. She had a couple of lows and near-lows yesterday, though, so we've started inching things back toward normal.

We managed to get a lot of chores and errands done, though -- a run to Target, a run to Sam's Club, the weekly run to the grocery store, a trip to the library, the lawn mowed, the clothes washed. I'd meant to transplant my baby tomatoes to their large pots, too, but it rained all weekend and I didn't feel like getting wet. Maybe I'll get to it during the week.

I didn't post yesterday because my new document person started work yesterday, and I spent yesterday morning getting her settled and the paperwork done. (I'm up to three minions, now. Fear my power!) And then once that was done, it was the Day Of Meetings, as always on Mondays -- 10-11, 1-2, and 2:30-4. I ran to the gym during lunch, and that was pretty much my whole day gone.

On the plus side, it looks to be a fairly slow week at work, so maybe I can finally finally finish my Six Sigma project writeup and get that out of the way.

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