So rather than rehash all the attendant minor disasters that occurred in relation to the above (cf., Penny's first experience(s) with pills rather than liquid medicines) I'm just going to post a random blogmeme I stumbled across and thought would be fun.
Here's the deal:
1) Go to Wikipedia and hit the random article link: That topic, whatever it is, is your band name.
2) Go to QuotationsPage and hit their random quote link: The last four or five words of the last quote on the page is your album title.
3) Go to Flickr and hit their Explore the last 7 days link: The third picture, whatever it is, is your cover art.
4) Use your graphics program of choice to put it all together!
So here's mine:

HA! I was extremely fortunate in my quote and pic....
"Having A Good Time"
My band is Antje Gleichfeld, album name is the tres lame "closer to fulfilling your dreams" and the picture is - so much for hoping that the cover art would cut the saccharine...
Captcha: mundesse
I really like this quote I found, though:
Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.
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