Wednesday, May 6, 2009


My current to-do list (so far):

- Monthly status report for the Beast project. DUE TODAY. (30-45 min)
- Call allergy office and find out if my new vials came in yet. (10 min)
- Go to the gym. (1.5 hr)
- Call our new hire to welcome her aboard and make sure she knows where to go and who to ask for (that would be me) on her first day. (15 min)
- Put together the document schedule for the Beast project. OVERDUE. (Who knows? It's 3 days overdue and I've been putting hours into it every day. Maybe another 4-5 hours?)
- Baseline the software for the SARSS project. DUE TODAY. (15-20 min)
- Do the QA analysis for the SARSS project. DUE TODAY. (15-20 min)
- Write up the new doc procedures for Beast and send out for review. DUE TODAY. (30-45 min)
- Get QA database caught up to the end of April. (45-60 min)
- Do the CM/QA Status Report for the end of April. (1 hr)
- Do the closeout paperwork for the Six Sigma project. (3-4 hours)
- Attend conference call. SCHEDULED TODAY. (1 hr)
- Prepare CCB meeting agenda. (15 min)

I have no doubt that other things will get added to the list as the day moves forward.

Which is why you're getting my to-do list this morning instead of a real blog entry.

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