Thursday, August 20, 2009

Delivery Day


Software delivery today. Three pieces of software, actually. I'm still waiting on the final test report that will let me sign off on the software. (For that matter, I'm still waiting on the software signoff folders.) I'm still waiting on the three version description documents to review and sign.

In the meantime, I've got a 200-page training course for that software that hasn't been updated in almost a year, despite three modification releases in that time, that's on the schedule to go out tomorrow -- and the guy who's supposed to be updating all the text and screen captures only just started looking at it yesterday afternoon. I've got three user manuals for another system that have to go out in the next two weeks before that contract closes, and I've got four fairly significant startup documents that are due to go out on Monday for another contract. There are also about four or five little documents that have to go out in the next few days -- status reports, trip reports, that kind of thing. All these documents have to undergo technical edit by me before they can be delivered.

I also have to write a status report for my boss, though I'm missing input from one of my team members; I need to comb through some archived emails so I can restore some files to our versioning/CM software that got lost in a backup mishap a month or so ago; and I need to stand on various people's heads about tasks they haven't finished yet (which is difficult, because none of these people actually answer to me in any capacity, so all I can do is nag).

My eye doctor called yesterday to tell me my new glasses are back from the lab -- in record time! -- so I need to wedge out about half an hour or so to go pick those up.

And I still haven't forgotten that I promised Penny back at the beginning of the summer that I'd take a day off and take her to an actual beach this summer. (I haven't forgotten, though it's possible that she has. But I'll still feel guilty if I don't do it. Two weeks left until the end of summer!)

If I make it through to the other side, I'll see you there.

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