Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I'm supposed to be writing a procedure for one of the projects I work on.

I don't want to do it. Largely because there's still this large grey area in the middle where we're honestly not sure how we're going to do something, and since it's one of the core purposes of the procedure, it makes it hard to write.

I spent most of yesterday chugging through a whole raft of lesser tasks in an effort to avoid having to work on this stupid procedure.

It's amazing how much work I can get done in the name of task avoidance, really: I finished my team's mid-year performance reviews. I got a small mountain of paperwork done. I started another mountain and probably would've finished it except that the printer broke. So then I started in on the emails I'd been saving up.

When I left work yesterday, both my personal and work Inbox folders were... empty.

When I got up this morning, my personal Inbox was still empty (I don't usually get non-spam mail overnight) and when I got to work, there were only three emails waiting for me. I dealt with all three before starting this blog entry. Inbox: Zero.

It's kind of refreshing, to check my mail and not have it nagging me. I wonder if I can keep it up. It might require making some sorting subfolders (or labels, for the Gmail account) for non-urgent or can't-start-yet items, but I think I might give it a try. If I can keep it up for all of August, I might get myself a few Nerd Merit Badges. (Separate Inbox Zeros for work and personal emails, Homonyms, and Family Tech Support. I already "qualify" for Homonyms and Family Tech Support, but if I'm seriously considering it, I might as well wait and get them all at once to save on shipping, right?)

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