Thursday, May 20, 2010


I forgot I had a chiropractor appointment on Tuesday, so when they called to find out where I was, I apologized profusely and moved it to Friday.

Then a lunch I've been trying to schedule for -- literally -- six weeks finally fell into place. On Friday.

So I moved Friday's usual gym workout to Thursday.

Then one of my projects asked me to run a meeting Thursday afternoon. So I nudged the gym workout a little earlier, to make sure I'd be back in time to set up.

Today... is Thursday. So I've got about two hours to finish this blog entry, eat breakfast, and do some stacked-up work. Then I need to change and go to the gym, come back and eat a quick lunch, and set up for this two-hour meeting this afternoon. After which... I don't know, but by then my day will feel so fractured I'm pretty sure I won't get much done with it.

And I was up until 11:30 or so last night, so before I can really get anything done... I need coffee.

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